
Transpedicular Fixation
Crea Spine is a spinal system that provides all implant and tool solutions of which are essential for lumbar stabilization, fixation for thoracal, lumbar and sacral regions and together with various alternatives.
For every necessary dimension in complicated spinal pathologies the system includes all the auxiliary implants such as axial and rod, peek rod, dynamic rod, curved rod, curved rod for occipital plate, multiaxial transverse connector, rigid transvers connector, occipitaI plate, lateral connector, parallel connector, axial connector and hook varieties.

The high profile model screws; double threaded tapered end of the screw, ensures immediate bone mounting, reliable installation and accurate control.
The low profile screw structure minimizes the contact and also the damage that the implant would cause on soft tissues. Inside the core part of the screw which does not contact the body a color code application is realized and the implant's probability of material oscillation inside the body caused by anodic oxidation is eliminated.
All screws are designed and manufactured as double threaded. This specification:
Causes the screw to move rapidly.
Provides for the patient to have decreased bone loss during the surgery.
Provides a tight coherence for the screw and minimizes the pull-out risk.
For every screw, the screw dimension increases in parallel to the screw diameter. While locking is realized through Torx head set screws, it allows the user to apply an increased amount of torque force. More torque force provides more powerful locking. For other set screws with different heads the increased torque force, increasingly reveals the abrasion situation of the application region. With Torx design this risk is at minimum level. The minimization of the abrasion even at extensive torques is a factor which elongates the life of the implant and the set, the set screw prevents any expansion on the screw body by shifting the realized forces on side surfaces towards vertical direction
during and after the locking and therefore it prevents the expansion of the system.