Why BTB Medical ?
Medical implant and device designs lie on the absolute and rigid guidelines of human anatomy. During the design stage of every individual implant, tool set and accessory we have solely focused on simplicity. We strongly believe that easier and shorter procedures prove the best results.
Simplicity; inspired by Nature
These two terms; cost and business have the greatest intersection both by meaning and nature that can not be handled individually. As the “cost” is a concern, we strongly believe that before asking “For who?” or “For what?” the sheer answer should always be “For All”. While focusing on the term “cost” we do not focus on the intra-operative period but also concern the patient, medical professional, medical entity and every single unit that is the part of
this chain.
Cost; inspired by Business
We are heartily supporters of first-time-right implant surgery. That is why we have designed Crea Spine, Crea Fix and Crea Nova implant solutions that cover clinical issues in implant surgery and current implant materials. We combine the latest researches with additive manufacturing technologies to strive for first-time-right implant surgery.
First Time Right; inspired by the Time
With Crea Series implant systems we have pushed the boundaries of traditional implant manufacturing to obtain versatile, anatomically designed implants to increase functionality and maximize satisfaction for patients, medical professionals and medical entities.
Satisfaction; inspired by People